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NAF Eye Makeup

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產品介紹 Homepage Product Review Eye Makeup NAFWaterproof Eyeliner Pen

N.A.F Waterproof Eyeliner Pen( new)
The product includes a rotating pen and a pen sharpener

Subverting the traditional eyeliner pencil, the product with a rotating pen is more convenient. The end of the pen is attached with a pen sharpener so that you can sharp the pen in the thickness you prefer easily.

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♥ For thsose who prefer natural eyebrows shape.
♥ For embellishing eyeborws shape and making natural makeup.
♥ When using The NAF 36H Long Lasting Twist Gel Eyebrow Liner, draw out the pencil lead about 2cm, hold with the easiest position, slightly draw from the borws ridge to brows tip, and finally dye with the brush to make a more solid eyebrows shape.
01  Bright black 02dark brown