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NAF Makeup

NAF Eye Makeup

NAF Indulgin


產品介紹 Homepage Product Review Eye Makeup LED Starlight Highlight Powder
N.A.F Makeup

N.A. F. LED Starlight Highlight Powder

Brilliant Moment, Magnificent Debut

Velvet-like texture:
With unique revolutionary technique, fine pearl powders aremelt into the luxurious velvet-like mousse creating a perfect combination with skin.

LED Reflective particles:
Unique reflective pearl particles instantaneously make the foundation transparent, creating a beautiful, moist and plump skin texture. The fine sparkling power combined with reflective particles modifies pores and fine lines on the face much more easily! A naturally luminous 3-dimensional faceis effortlessly presented.

For a  moist and plump skin texture:
Brushing a proper amount gently on the T-zone, cheeks and the chin will create a 3-dimensional plump skin texture.

Ingredients: Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil

Colors:Rosy Gold   Colors:Twinkling Gold